Gift Aid

Your donations to Saint Francis Hospice can be worth 25% more, at no extra cost to you.


Make your gift go further

If you have made a donation to Saint Francis Hospice you can help individuals in our care and their loved ones even further by saying yes to Gift Aid. It won't cost you any extra.

How does Gift Aid work?

Your donations to Saint Francis Hospice could be worth 25% more, at no cost to you!

As soon as you give your permission by completing our Gift Aid declaration form we could claim 25p from HMRC for every £1 you have donated to Saint Francis Hospice at no extra cost to you. We can even claim for donations made up to four years ago.

That means a £10 donation is worth £12.50 and a £50 donation is worth £62.50. 

Complete a Gift Aid Declaration now

How can I Gift Aid my donation to Saint Francis Hospice?

You can make sure that every donation that you've made to Saint Francis Hospice in the past, and everything you donate in the future, is eligible for Gift Aid by completing this simple Gift Aid declaration form.

This is a statement from you to Saint Francis Hospice confirming that you are a UK taxpayer and that you want the charity to claim gift aid on your donations.

Please remember to tell us about any change in your tax status, or if your name or address changes so that we can update our records.

For higher rate tax payers

If you are a higher rate tax payer and pay tax at a rate of 40% or above, you can claim the difference between the higher and basic rate on your donation. Do this:

  • through your Self Assessment tax return
  • by asking HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to amend your tax code

Gift Aid on donations made in shops

To enable us to claim Gift Aid on the donations you have made through our shops, you will need to complete a separate form and sign up to the Retail Gift Aid scheme. You can do this when you next visit one of our shops.

Where Gift Aid can't be claimed

There are also some circumstances where Gift Aid can't be claimed on your donations. Please see this HMRC guidance for more information.

If you're sure you can't pay Gift Aid

If you're sure that Gift Aid can't be claimed on your donation/s, please do let us know. You'll also be helping us because we can update our records and know not to contact you about it.

If you have any questions on Gift Aid, please contact our Supporter Relations Team or call us on 01708 723593.